Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Abby!

We celebrated Abby's fourth birthday this past weekend. She had a blast hanging with friends and family at Bounce A Lot Playland.

Party Pics

Party Pics

More Party Pics

Family Time

We spent some time this past weekend with K.J.'s family. The girls were loving all the attention. It was so nice to have everyone here. We so appreciated that they were willing to travel so far to be here for Abby's birthday. It meant so much to her and to us.

Daddy's Girl

Macy is completely enamored with her daddy. Anytime she hears his voice her face lights up and she is craning her neck looking for him.

Winter Fun

Abby had been itching to go out sled riding so we got her all bundled up. K.J. took her down to the end of our street where there are some hills back in the woods. Unfortunately, all the hills are pretty steep. On the first (and only) trip down the hill, Abby and her sled went straight down into a snow drift and were completely engulfed. Needless to say, Abby was not a big fan of becoming a human snowman so they came right back home.